April 18, 2008


I joined Gmail my senior year of college when it was still in its Beta phase, when you still actually had to be invited to create an account. Psh! Whatever! It's just e-mail I thought, as I eagerly wrote e-mails via Yahoo! and my college's e-mail server lovingly called Squirrel Mail. I joined Gmail because everybody was doing it and I wanted to join this secretive e-mail cult where you were able to create addresses with dots. For example: John.Sexy@gmail or Igavemysoul.away@gmail or I.rule@gmail.

Luckily I joined Gmail, because I never looked back! Where else can I now secretly g-chat with friends while I am at work pretending to be busy typing up my report using Google Docs? Where else can I have simple access to my calender and blog??? Where else can I find this information: You are currently using 478 MB (7%) of your 6635 MB? NOWHERE. I am a true Gmail fan. I might even <3 Gmail.

Yahoo! is trying to win me back with their new and improved features and their slightly Gmail-ish interface. You know what they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery. I'll keep my Yahoo! account for now, if only for kicks.

Gmail even has their own blog!!!

Thanks to their Moscow Gmail team, I present this little gem:

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G isn't it???


1 comment:

philip said...

omg, they are crazy! that video is ab-fab, way-to-go.

yeah, I think back in its beta phase I only invited my dad... ha!

p.s. you have to keep your Yahoo! account for Flickr, I believe. they still got us, they really do, with Flickr (and their new web-cam thingy!).