Don't worry. I didn't forget about the Justice concert I promised to blog about. Gather around because here it is!
Last Thursday I went to the Justice/Diplo/Fancy concert held at The Concourse at the San Francisco Design Center. Let's begin with the fact that I had a particularly long day at work and I really wasn't in the mood to stand through a 3 hour concert. Oh, and did I mention I was still sick? Needless to say, the tickets were bought in January and I wasn't gonna waste them just because I was tired and wanted to watch TV in my jammies.
I actually had never been to this venue before so I had no idea what to expect. That didn't mean I was gonna get there early to scope out the prime standing spots. Oh hell naw. When I got there with a couple friends in tow, it was a sight to be seen! Basically, The Concourse is a big gigantic hall with an elevated "balcony" section on either side of the stage. It was a long enough of a hall where if I decided to sprint from one end to the other, I would probably get winded and ask for an ICEE. There was fake smoke everywhere, glow sticks (wtf?), ravers, and myspacers! I never got into the rave culture back in high school so I assumed this is what it was like. LUCKILY, I was carrying some E that I saved from the late 90s just for this moment; I knew rave culture would be back! It only took a decade. Just kidding.
We got there a bit late so we missed out on Fancy but Diplo soon came on stage. We managed to push ourselves towards the front but soon retreated to the sidelines halfway through his set. We ran into some familiar faces and friends that night and quite a few hardcore ravers... some who were even doing cardio stretches before jumping back into the pit. Scary indeed!
I had an excellent view of the Justice set because I was able to sneak past a few security guards to get towards the front. By that point, it was pretty hot and sweaty in the concourse. Every few seconds, I felt a sprinkling of sweat on my face and clothes and tried to figure out just who it was that was giving me a free shower. Then my friend noticed it was actually condensation that was coming down from the ceiling. GROSS. Collective sweat! Other than that, Justice was amazing and really great performers. And cute, too.
Despite being sick and tired, I danced my little heart out.
Things I learned:
1. Rave culture is back or trying really hard to make a comeback.
2. Don't get security guards angry. They will tackle you to the floor and blind you with their mini flashlights.
3. Don't be dumb and try to climb the rafters to get a better view of the stage.
4. All the cute fashionable boys and girls come out to play for Justice but they are nowhere to be found on any other night of the week or year.
5. I <3 Justice & giant glowing crosses.
1 comment:
religious much?
My favorite part of your spectacular wrap-up:
"It was a long enough of a hall where if I decided to sprint from one end to the other, I would probably get winded and ask for an ICEE. There was fake smoke everywhere, glow sticks (wtf?), ravers, and myspacers! I never got into the rave culture back in high school so I assumed this is what it was like. LUCKILY, I was carrying some E that I saved from the late 90s just for this moment; I knew rave culture would be back! It only took a decade. Just kidding."
And yes, that recycling of sweat was uber discomforting and gross-me-out-hot-mess-hot-tranny-mess, you betta worrrk!
Here's to Rilo at the concourse: Cheers.
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