October 24, 2008

Camera Baby

While at UO last week, I came across this:

I'm a fan of toy cameras and lo-fi photography, so I was immediately intrigued. I was hesitant to make the purchase before I did any research on this tiny camera.

"Japanese cult design house Superheadz has engineered the Ikimono Series 110 Camera. The Ikimono camera may be petite (40mm x 30mm [ about 1.5 ''] at 26.6g without cartridge) but it is a fully functional shooter. Flip the sides and back of the camera (think Transformer) to secure a 110 film cartridge behind it and you're set to shoot."

I also looked up the camera on Flickr and found these results.

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! It's like having a very tiny baby Holga.

I think I'll pick one up this weekend.


1 comment:

philip said...

awesome! how much are they? buy me one too.