So I decided to start eating breakfast. One night after work, I made the trip to my local
supermarche and picked up a few ingredients to create a somewhat decent meal for the start of my long long day. Who knew people actually shopped for frozen chicken and toilet paper at 9:30 at night??? I think the last time I actually did some grocery shopping this late was when I was in college where it was the norm to head out in your pajamas to get a carton of smokes and a maybe jug of Carlo Rossi sangria. Please note, I only went out
once in my pajamas in the 4 years I was in college and that's only because I wanted to try the (then new) Dreyer's Dibs. Thanks.
I noticed recently that due to lack of food in my body in the AM, I would start getting the munchies the second I sat down at my desk to work. I basically snacked until my lunch half-hour came around eating food procured from the Walgreen's downstairs in the building lobby. This was not limited to chocolate-covered caramel popcorn, beef jerky sticks, and peanut butter m&ms. Barf!
So for the past week, I have been eating this or some variation for breakfast. Since I've been eating breakfast I feel like I have been eating more instead of less. I don't know whether or not I should be concerned. Oh well!
For breakfast:

- scrambled egg whites seasoned only with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (equivalent to 2 or 3 eggs)
- 3 turkey sausage links
- 1/2 slice of wheat bread toast
- 1 teaspoon of apple cinnamon jelly
- 1 glass of lite cranberry juice
- lots of ketchup
Okay... I changed up my breakfast a little bit the next morning.

- scrambled egg whites seasoned only with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (equivalent to 3 eggs)
- 3 turkey sausage links
- 1 hash brown patty
- 1/2 glass lite cranberry juice
- a pool of ketchup
- 2 slices of watermelon
Hopefully this post inspires you to take some time out in the morning to make some breakfast, if not during the work week, then the weekends.