I know, I know. Another weekend is here already and I'm still blogging about last week. I'll just note that this entry was written on Monday and only now am I posting it. Thanks! I would also like to share that once again I have a cold. What is this? The 4th time I've gotten sick this year and it's only March???!!! I just had a mug of Thermaflu so I just might fall asleep while typing this zzzzzzzz.
I didn't realize just how exhausted I was until Sunday night came around; I think I was running on pure adrenaline and caffeine! I came home last night after work and basically tried to convince myself that I had enough energy to eat dinner, clean, read, fiddle with my laptop, and so on. I gave up at midnight and fell asleep with my laptop still running on my bed and my book lying next to me under the sheets. I finally achieved the coveted 8 hours of sleep recommended by doctors everywhere! Hooray!
My weekend started on Friday and basically looked like this: work, sushi,
Blow Up!, work,
Frisco Disco, work, finally sleep
Blow Up! was entertaining as usual. There were so many beautiful boy, girls, and trannies wearing their Friday best :) I <3 the
Blow Up Djz but this guy was pretty awesome too:

Come on people,
Public wears a disco ball mask! +500 points. AMAZING. And he played Love Fool by the Cardigans! +1,000 points! which brought me back to my middle school days when Leonardo DiCaprio was still hot! +250 points.
On Saturday, I was called a bitch by a customer at work. OMG, I love this job!!!???
Easter was on Sunday and instead of frolicking at Dolores Park on such a beautiful day I was stuck at work. The only thing that made up for it was the constant delivery and consumption of Round Table pizza every 2 hours and the frozen yogurt and guava drink I had with
D while people-watching at Union Square during our lunch break.
How is it Monday already???